Career & College Promise
Through Career & College Promise (CCP), qualified high-school-age students in North Carolina have the opportunity to pursue these options, tuition free, while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jump-start on their workplace and college preparation.
CCP pathways are available in the following program areas:
- Accounting and Finance
- Agribusiness Technology
- Applied Animal Science Technology
- Applied Engineering Technology
- Architectural Technology
- Automotive Systems Technology
- Baking and Pastry Arts
- Building Construction Technology
- Business Administration
- College Transfer Pathway: Leading to Associate in Arts
- College Transfer Pathway: Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation
- College Transfer Pathway Leading to Associate in Engineering
- College Transfer Pathway: Leading to Associate in Science
- College Transfer Pathway: Associate in Science Teacher Preparation
- College Transfer Pathway: Leading to Nursing
- Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice Technology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology
- Early Childhood Education
- Graphic Design
- Horticulture Technology
- Human Services Technology
- Information Technology
- Medical Assisting
- Nurse Aide
- Poultry Management Technology
- Welding Technology