Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks 2019
Course Objectives
- Set up and utilize QuickBooks 2019
- Perform basic bookkeeping equations
- Enter data accurately
- Manage bookkeeping
- Use double-entry accounting
- Understand the impacts of debits and credits for all account types
There are no prerequisites to take this course.
- QuickBooks Basics: Creating a QuickBooks company file for a business; working with and securing company files
- Bookkeeping Building Blocks: Apply bookkeeping concepts to accounting problems; running QuickBooks reports for the general journal and ledger, as well as subsidiary journals
- Preparing the Company File: Adding, changing and working with the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks; administering company lists by adding customers and vendor
- Cash and Fixed Asset Transactions: Recording bank account transactions by entering cash account transactions and completing a bank reconciliation; recording fixed assets and depreciation
- Understanding Accounts Payable: Recording bills by entering various accounts payable transactions; producing accounts payable history and reports
- Reviewing Accounts Receivable: Demonstrating the invoice procedure by producing a customer invoice; producing batches of invoices and customer letters
- Managing Inventory Transactions: Creating and revising customer estimates, assigning classes, adding and editing multiple list entries; ordering and selling inventory by creating sales and purchase orders and receiving inventory
- Closing the Books and Reporting in QuickBooks: Closing the books and running reports in QuickBooks; Career roadmap: the job market and how to navigate it
Helene K. Liatsos is business advisor and QuickBooks Certified Advisor with more than 25 years of experience. She consults for a range of companies, from travel agencies to startups. Her company Home Office Management Experts was awarded the 2004 Home-Based Business of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Helene holds a Bachelor of Arts from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Registration and Enrollment
This course is 100% online. Start any time.