Certified Network Defender (CND)
To mitigate cyber breaches, organizations rely on network administrators who protect, detect and respond to the threats on their networks. In this 100% online course, you will learn the concepts and practices network defenders use. Key topics include computer network and defense fundamentals, wireless network defense, network traffic monitoring, and data backup and recovery. Upon successful completion, you will be prepared to take and pass the Certified Network Defender (CND) exam, a credential that validates your ability to provide continuity of operations during attacks.
Course Objectives
- Be fully prepared to pass the Certified Network Defender (CND) Exam Number 312-38.
- Obtain the technical depth required to actively design a secure network.
- Understand how networks operate, what software is automating and how to analyze the subject material.
- Gain the ability to design greater network security policies and successful incident response plans.
- Learn skills that foster resiliency and continuity of operations during attacks.
There are no mandatory prerequisites prior to taking this Certified Network Defender (CND) training. However, students should have an understanding of basic networking fundamentals and terminology.
- Computer Network and Defense Fundamentals
- Network Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attack
- Network Security Controls, Protocols, and Device
- Network Security Policy Design and Implementation
- Physical Security
- Host Security
- Secure Firewall Configuration and Management
- Secure IDS Configuration and Management
- Secure VPN Configuration and Management
- Wireless Network Defense
- Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
- Network Risk and Vulnerability Management
- Data Backup and Recovery
- Network Incident Response and Management
Eric Reed has over 12 years of experience in IT consulting, specializing in security. Since 2005, he has consulted and delivered custom training to the U.S. military and numerous Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. He has delivered CEH, CHFI, and ECSA/LPT training for the last seven years, with a 95 percent pass rating. Reed was awarded the EC Council Instructor of the Year in 2009 and 2012, as well as the Circle of Excellence in 2006, 2007, and 2010.
Registration and Enrollment
This course is 100% online. Start any time.