Wilkes Community College would like to extend congratulations to Ashe County High School students Dylan B., Levi L., Chase R., Dakota W., Landon W., and Andruw W. for the completion of five classes through the Workforce Development CCP (Career and College Promise) Pathway toward their NC Firefighter I and Firefighter II certifications.
These students, dually enrolled at Ashe County High School and Wilkes Community College, have not only achieved academic success by getting a head start on their post-secondary plans, either to continue their education or launch their careers, but are already actively involved in the local fire departments. This coursework is in addition to their required high school classes.
Through Wilkes Community College, these students can complete all coursework/training to receive their NC Firefighter I and Firefighter II certifications. These classes take place at the Ashe Campus and the Ashe County Fire Training Center. We take pride in the fact that these students have chosen to start their college education with us and are earning credits toward their certifications.
Fire & EMS Coordinator for the Ashe Campus & Alleghany Center, Rusty Zachary, credits local instructor and firefighter Denver Caudill; CTE Director, Earl Pennington; and WCC Career Coach, Jennifer Glass with the success of this inaugural Fire Academy. Zachary stated, “We are equally indebted to our local fire departments who have donated equipment and provided opportunities for skills training. This was a team effort and the students stepped up to the challenge. I am proud to be a part of this opportunity.”
Becky Greer, director of Workforce Development and Community Education at the Ashe Campus and Alleghany Center commended Zachary for his tireless efforts and commitment to the Fire Academy. Greer adds, “Rusty worked hard to create a streamlined process that would give the students credit all while staying in compliance with NC Office of State Fire Marshall (NCOSFM). We appreciate Rusty for all he does in our community.”
The second Fire Academy cohort is scheduled for spring 2024. For more information, contact WCC Career Coach Jennifer Glass at Ashe County High School by calling 336-846-2400 ext. 2146 or by email at jlglass944@wilkescc.edu.