Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology
Learning Outcomes
- Understand non-structural panel makeup for both steel and aluminum in order to be able to determine damage analysis, repair vs. replace decisions, removal and installation of bolted on parts, proper techniques and use of body filler, trim and hardware usage and repair, glass repair or replacement determinations for both stationary and movable glass.
- Understand non-structural panel makeup for both steel and aluminum in order to be able to determine damage analysis, identify and make proper choices concerning repair of automotive plastics and stationary and movable glass.
- Understand and be able to write auto body repair estimates based on industry standards and understanding of estimation procedure pages and nomenclature for both hand-written and computer generated estimates.
- Be able to identify and make proper choices concerning repair of automotive plastics involving adhesive repair, welding repair or replacement of the damaged part.
- Show an understanding of surface preparation corrosion protection, color theory and detailing.
- Demonstrate knowledge of vehicle construction and frame damage types; the ability to set up a vehicle on a frame machine and then use computerized frame readouts to analyze potential frame damage.
- Demonstrate an understanding and use of shop safety involving Material Safety Data Sheets, product labels, handling of hazardous materials, personal protective equipment, and repair equipment safety.
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Technical Standards
The Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology program technical standards have been developed to inform students of the nonacademic essential functions of the program and profession. Examples are not all inclusive.
Standard | Essential Function | Examples |
Communication Oral / Written |
Mobility / Motor Skills |
Physical Strength and Stamina |
Environmental / Occupational Exposure |
Field or Industry Professional Standards |