Wilkes Community College will host a walk-through graduation ceremony to celebrate the graduates of 2020 on Thursday, August 6 from 9:15 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. and Friday, August 7 from 3 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. The ceremony will be held at the John A. Walker Community Center on the campus of Wilkes Community College.

Graduates who previously completed a graduation application and indicated they would attend the traditional ceremony must now register for a timeslot to participate in the walk-through ceremony: https://go.oncehub.com/WCCGraduation. The deadline to register for the walk-through ceremony is Monday, August 3, 2020. A maximum of 5 graduates may register for each 15-minute time slot. All slots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any graduate or guest needing disability accommodations should contact Cindy Core at 336-838-6137 by August 3, 2020.

Due to North Carolina COVID-19 Phase 2 limitations on the number of people that can gather indoors, each graduate may bring two guests. All graduates and guests should park in the Daniel Hall parking lot (across from the Walker Center). Graduates and their guests must first go to the lobby of the Walker Center to have their temperature checked. Everyone must wear a mask or facial covering and must observe appropriate social distancing.

After check-in, graduates and their guests will be allowed to enter the Walker Center to line up. Guests must enter the Walker Center with their graduate. Once a graduate enters the auditorium they will proceed to the right side of the stage and their guests will stand in a designated section within the audience/seating area. As a graduate goes across the stage, their name and degree/diploma/certificate information will be announced and they will be presented a degree cover by Dr. Cox, WCC President.

A representative from Photo Specialties will take a photo of each graduate as they are presented their degree cover by Dr. Cox (mask/facial covering must be worn) and as they prepare to exit the left side of the stage (mask/facial covering may be temporarily removed). A compilation video will be created to share with families and friends. Graduates will be notified when the video is available.

For more information on the commencement ceremonies, please visit the graduation page on our website at www.wilkescc.edu/graduation.