Beginning January 31, Wilkes Community College will offer an amateur radio course on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in Thompson Hall Room 133. Amateur Radio, often called ham radio, allows “hams” to communicate with each other for public services, recreation and self-training. Registration for the course is $25, which covers a seven-week course leading to the technician class license. Pre-registration is required by calling 336-838-6516.

This course will enable students to earn a license to speak with people in foreign countries via shortwave radio, communicate with astronauts onboard the space station, participate in on-the-air contests, and provide communications for public service events. Amateur radio is a worldwide hobby with more than 700,000 licensees in the United States and more than two million around the globe.

This course is being taught by David Ritter, an amateur radio operator who has been licensed for over 50 years. Anyone with questions may contact David Ritter at