The Wilkes Community College Small Business Center has a variety of seminars scheduled for January that support the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses. These seminars are offered at no charge to participants unless otherwise noted; however, attendees must pre-register to participate.
Beginner Blogging for Businesses – January 10, 2018, 10-11:30 a.m. – Wilkes Campus, Beacon Hall, Room 1507 From SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to credibility, blogging is highly beneficial for every business. Come learn how to use a blog in your business to gain more exposure and, ultimately, make more sales!
Building An ‘A-List’ Board – January 16, 2018, 9 a.m-12:00 p.m. – Alleghany Center, Room 104 When you consider your board of directors what do you see? Worker bees exhausted from the daily grind of keeping the organization running? Are they simply warm bodies in seats? Perhaps they are seats left empty by big name people who never seem to find the time for meetings? This workshop evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of your board. Participants will gain a clear understanding of who “could” and “should” be on their board of directors as well as processes and procedures to ensure that board members are screened, equipped, and empowered to generate impact for your organization.
QuickBooks Online – January 25, 2018, 5:15-8:15 p.m. – Wilkes Campus, Lowes Hall, Room 1705 A QuickBooks Pro-Advisor will take you on a tour and suggest ways this popular software can help small business owners save time, better manage their business, simplify bookkeeping, and help businesses avoid costly errors. Basic computer knowledge is required.
Basics of Bookkeeping for Small Businesses – January 30, 2018, 5:30-8:30 p.m. – Alleghany Center, Room 203 Gain a working knowledge of how to properly record financial transactions for small businesses. Discover the three most important financial reports and how to use them to make the best‐informed business decisions. This seminar is designed for both new business owners and seasoned entrepreneurs who need a refresher on the basics of accounting.
Podcasting for Businesses – January 31, 2018, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. – Alleghany Center, Room 202 Have you ever wanted to start a podcast but don’t even know where to start, how to set it up, or how to market it so people find it? This workshop will help you do just that! Lunch will be provided by the Blue Ridge Business Development Center.
Visit to pre-register for seminars. To learn more about the Small Business Center and seminars, contact Laurie Brintle-Jarvis, SBC director, at 336-838-6166 or The Small Business Center Network, comprised of 58 small business centers throughout North Carolina, supports the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses by being a community-based provider of training, counseling and resource information.