The Wilkes Community College Small Business Center has a variety of seminars scheduled for March that support the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses. These seminars are offered at no charge to participants unless otherwise noted; however, attendees must pre-register to participate.

How to Access Capital – March 7, 2019, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Alleghany Center

Financing continues to be a challenge for many small business owners. Questions ranging from how to get financing for the business idea to will the business be profitable enough to repay a loan or attract an investor can arise. This seminar gets to the heart of business financing and reveals answers to these common questions. Participants will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different types of funding sources to determine what is right for them. 

How to Be a Successful Consultant – March 12, 2019, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Wilkes Campus

Do you have valuable experience and knowledge in a subject area you would like to share with others and get paid? This seminar will help you develop a plan for becoming a successful consultant. Participants will learn what it means to be a consultant, why clients need their skills, and how to leverage their expertise. They will learn the dos and don’ts of selling their talents and the importance of marketing in a professional manner. Participants will also learn how to price their services. 

Are You Running Your Business or Is It Running You? – March 14, 2019, 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Ashe Campus

Most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders work longer hours, get less return on their investments of time and money, and may grapple with some of these issues:

  • Lack of control over time, markets, or business
  • People who don’t listen, understand and follow through
  • Profit that is inconsistent and/or insufficient
  • Growth is happening, but can’t break through to the next level

Participants will leave with a set of simple, practical tools that they will use immediately to focus on priorities, get a better understanding of issues, and gain traction in their business.

Exploring Entrepreneurship – March 14, 2019, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Wilkes Campus

Do you have what it takes to run your own business? Do you have the characteristics and skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur? This seminar will allow you to explore the meaning of entrepreneurship, business management and explore entrepreneur personality traits. You will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owning your own business, how to determine what kind of business to open and how to research the idea.

Tackling Google – March 21, 2019, 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. – Ashe Campus

When people think of Google, they think “Search Engine.” But Google is SO MUCH more! In this workshop, we will examine some of the various 200+ Google products, services, and tools which offer real benefits to small businesses. The best thing of all is that many of these Google products are FREE! Join us to learn in a non-technical, real-world presentation about products your competitors may already be using!

Branding Your Business – March 21, 2019, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – WEBINAR

Strong businesses build their brand to be authentic, cohesive, and compelling. While your logo is the visual cornerstone of your brand, your brand is much bigger than your logo. In this session, we’ll cover the ins and outs of branding and what to consider as you brand (or re-brand) your business.

How to Start a Small Business – March 26, 2019, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Alleghany Center

Participants will learn the basics of starting a business while taking their idea from inception to opportunity. The seminar covers key strategies for start-ups, financing, marketing, and important information about legal issues, licensing, zoning, and operations.  Participants will realize the importance of self-assessment and how to evaluate the feasibility of their business idea.

Visit to pre-register for seminars. To learn more about the Small Business Center and seminars, contact Laurie Brintle-Jarvis, SBC director, at 336-838-6166 or

The Small Business Center Network, comprised of 58 small business centers throughout North Carolina, supports the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses by being a community-based provider of training, counseling and resource information.