Dental Hygiene

The Dental Hygiene curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate dental hygiene care for individuals and the community.

Course work includes instruction in general studies, biomedical sciences, dental sciences, dental hygiene science, clinical sciences, and clinical practice. Students will learn to prepare the operatory, take patient histories, note abnormalities, plan care, teach oral hygiene, clean teeth, take x-rays, apply preventive agents, complete necessary chart entries, and perform other procedures related to dental hygiene care through a combination of lecture, laboratory, and clinical experiences.

Graduates may be eligible to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) and the NC Board of Dental Examiners CITA exam, qualifying them as a Registered Dental Hygienist.

The WCC Dental Hygiene program is seeking Initial Accreditation Status by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA).

Learning Outcomes

  • Prepare competent graduates in the areas of general education, biomedical sciences, dental sciences, and dental hygiene sciences.
  • Prepare students to demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors within a diverse population.
  • Prepare graduates to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive dental hygiene care.

Contact Information

Image of Keshia Richardson
Keshia Richardson, BS
Program Director of Dental Hygiene
Phone: 336-838-6183


This part of the website is currently undergoing maintenance. Please refer to the WCC Catalog for program information.

Technical Standards

All students in the Dental Hygiene program are expected to meet certain technical standards which are essential for successful completion of all phases of the program and reflect industry requirements. Students must demonstrate the following program technical standards; examples are not all inclusive:

Standard Essential Function Examples
Oral / Written
  • Skills sufficient to communicate information and ideas so others will understand
  • Skills sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds
  • Explain treatment procedures to patients
  • Document relevant patient information (manual or via computer) using correct terminology and spelling
  • Interpret doctor’s orders
  • Record patient responses to treatments
  • Establish rapport with patients, families, and other health care providers
Mobility / Motor Skills
  • Gross and fine motor skills sufficient to move the hands and use hands to grasp or manipulate objects
  • Gross and fine mobility sufficient to perform physical activities that require considerable use of arms and legs and moving the whole body
  • Utilize instruments with patients
  • Maneuver in confined spaces
  • Physical activities may include:
    • Bending
    • Stooping
    • Lifting
    • Reaching
Physical Strength and Stamina
  • Ability to stand for extended periods of time
  • Ability sufficient to lift and carry up to 30 pounds
  • Stand and walk up to 8-hour shifts
  • Sit or stand in small clinical spaces and laboratory spaces
  • Lift and move equipment

  • Sight
  • Sound
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Smell
  • Visual skills sufficient to see details at close range and manipulate equipment
  • Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary for patient care
  • Listening skills sufficient to communicate with others
  • Ability to tolerate various odors
  • Observe patient responses to treatment
  • Identify various instruments
  • Hear equipment/emergency alarms
  • Listen to patient’s oral health concerns
  • Work with patients with poor hygiene
Environmental / Occupational Exposure
  • Exposure to communicable and infectious diseases, secretions, blood, and bodily fluids
  • Exposure to environmental hazards
  • Exposure to X-ray radiation
  • Ability to work under high stress situations and respond promptly
  • Possible exposure to HIV, hepatitis, etc.
  • Exposure to X-ray radiation, medicinal preparations, latex, and toxic substances
  • Respond appropriately in emergency to maintain patient safety and care
Field or Industry Professional Standards
  • Criminal background check
  • CPR certification

Disability Services Statement

Wilkes Community College is an ADA compliant institution. WCC does not discriminate based on a disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services, and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements. WCC will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities who are eligible to receive or participate in college programs, services, and/or activities. If a student believes that he/she cannot meet one or more of a program’s essential functions without accommodations, the student is encouraged to disclose this to Disability Services as soon as possible.