L-R: Phil Stevens, Chelsea Blevins, Charles Bowers, Marlise Green, and Dr. Jeff Cox, WCC president. Not pictured: Harley Miller and Veronica Garcia.

The Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes Scholarship Endowment recently awarded $5,000 to Wilkes Community College to use for student scholarships during the 2018-2019 academic year. The scholarship is awarded to students who are residents of Watauga, Ashe, or Wilkes counties and maintain a 2.5 GPA.

The WAW Scholarship Endowment, established in 2001, aims to give students an educational opportunity that they may not have had before receiving the scholarship. The endowment is governed by the North Carolina Community Foundation and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Board members include: Phil Stevens, president; Charles Hartzog, vice-president; Kim Forester, secretary; Kim Barnes, treasurer; Daphne Petrey, publicity; Michael Lyall, Watauga; Natalie Willis, Watauga; Bradley McNeil, Ashe; Danny Holman, Wilkes; and Allison Phillips, Wilkes.

The 2018-19 scholarship recipients are: Marlise Greene, Deep Gap; Harley Miller, West Jefferson; Veronica Garcia, Warrensville; Chelsea Blevins, Traphill; and Charles Bowers, Millers Creek.

“I am overwhelmingly grateful for the opportunity to go back to school, and it is only made possible by giving and caring people like Mr. Stevens and the WAW scholarship board/committee. Without the help of these local people, I wouldn’t be able to follow my dreams,” stated scholarship recipient Marlise Greene.

For more information on scholarships or making a donation to the Wilkes Community College Foundation, call 336-838-6491.