Organizational Chart
President - Mike Rodgers, Ed.D
- WCC Community Resource Development Specialist - Carrie Hodges, BS
- Data Management Assistant/Administrative Assistant - Madison Mathis, BS
- Director of Marketing and Communications - Patty Parsons, BS
- Lead Graphics Technician of Curriculum and Continuing Education - Karen Roupe, AAS
- Social Media/Marketing Specialist - Riah Barfield, AA
- Graphics Technician - Susan Tolley, AAS
- Festival Director - Wes Whitson, BS
- Volunteer and Development Specialist - Brandon Call, BS
- Events Operations Specialist - Blaine Johnston, BA
- Events Artist Relations Manager - Lindsay Craven, BS
- Sponsorship Specialist - Natasha Evans, BS
- Events Artist Relations Specialist - Tina Granger, BS
- Accounting Specialist - Jarrett Barker, BS
- Custodial Supervisor - Bruce Staley, AAS
- Custodian - Denise Crews, AAS
- Custodian - Christina Ellis
- Custodian - James Crews
- Custodian - Jacob Dishmon
- Custodian - Joshua Walker
- Custodian - Mark Johnson
- Custodian - Richard Ellis
- Director of Financial Services - Crystal Huffman, BS
- Accounting Specialist/Cashier - Cristian Castillo-Rojo, AAS
- Purchasing Specialist - Emily Call, AAS
- Assistant Director of Financial Services - Jenni Wingler, BS
- Accounting Specialist of Receivables - Kim Tuck, AAS
- Accounting Specialist of Payables - Hope Roberson, AAS
- Facilities Supervisor - Chris Cox
- Gardner - Alex Johnson, AAS
- Facility Maintenance/Electrical Technician - Billy Williams, AS
- Facility Maintenance/HVAC Technician - Casey Shumate
- Construction/Grounds Technician - Daniel Brown, AAS
- Facility Maintenance/Plumbing Technician - Neil Michael
- Gardens/Grounds Technician - Shannon Holden, AAS
- Bookstore Manager - Kelly Church, BA
- Bookstore Technician - Tammy Hayes, Diploma
- Equipment Coordinator - Steve Hall, AAS
- Shipping & Receiving Technician - Austin Anderson, AGE
- Executive Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator - Sherry Cox, MS
- Coordinator of Human Resources/Workplace Safety - Amanda Blevins, BS
- Human Resources Specialist - Devin Royal, AAS
- Payroll Specialist - Tonya Roten, AAS
- Motor Pool Technician - Sam Poteat
- Director of Walker Center - Tabitha Hudler, BS
- Custodian/Maintenance/Technical Assistant - Braeden Barker
- Senior Customer Relations Specialist - Lee Cornett, BS
- Chief of Police - Earl Byrd, MS
- Campus Police Sargeant - Craig Greer, AAS
- Chair of Workforce Development - Curt Miller, MA
- Data Management Assistant/Criminal Justice Administrative Assistant - Amber Blackburn, AA
- Coordinator of Occupational Extension - Heather Brooks, MS
- Director of Small Business Center - Laurie Brintle-Jarvis, MA
- Director of Business & Specialty Careers - Marina Brannock, BS
- Data Management Assistant - Melissa Miller, MEd
- Director of Career and College Readiness - DeeAnna Parker, MA
- Administrative Assistant - Amanda Handy, AAS
- Adult High School (AHS)/High School Equivalency (HSE) Coordinator/Instructor - Casey Joe Johnson, BS
- Director of Law Enforcement Training - Ken Graybeal, BS
- Program Coordinator/Certified Qualified Assistant within Law Enforcement - Rob Powers, BS
- Director of Health Occupations and Nurse Aide Training - Misty Marshburn, MSN, RN
- Instructor of Health Occupations - Cindy Wagoner, AAS
- Instructor of Nurse Aide - Kimberly Sluder, BSN, RN
- Coordinator of Cosmetology - Tonya Watson
- Instructor of Cosmetology - Kari Johnson, AGS
- Instructor of Cosmetology - Mary Garris
- Instructor of Cosmetology - Rebecca Cox
- Director of Workforce Development and Community Education of Ashe Campus - Becky Greer, BA
- Coordinator of Business and Industry Training - Ricky Roten, AAS
- Records Manager of WDCE - Becky Scott, AAS
- Data Management Assistant - Susan Miles, AAS
- Coordinator of Fire, Rescue and EMS - Stephen Crouse, BS
- Director of Employer Engagement - Ariana Williamson, BA
- Director of Community Engagement - Naomi Bivins, MA
- Dean of Instructional Support Services - Angela Roten, MA
- Director of SAGE - Bruce Hollar, MS
- SAGE Educational Advisor - Katie Balough, MSW
- Administrative Assistant - William Johnson, AA
- SAGE Educational Advisor - Thomas Johnson, MA
- Director of Pardue Library/Librarian - Christy Earp, MLIS
- Librarian - Vada Bunker, MLIS
- Librarian - Misty Bass, MLIS
- Director of Disability, Inclusion, & Diversity - Renee Macemore, MS
- Student Accessibility and Support Specialist - April Teague, AA
- Access to Achieve Coordinator - Holly Sagraves, MA
- Director of Academic Support Center (ASC) - Stephanie Darnell, MA
- Advisor/Counselor/ACA Instructor - Christy Culbreth, MEd
- Director of Work Based Learning - Kim Bell, BA
- Director of College Access - Bekah Gardner, MA
- Career Coach - Abigail Pardue, BS
- Career Coach - Britt Church, BS
- College Liaison of Ashe Early College High School (AECHS) - Hillary Bowlin, MA
- Career Coach - Jennifer Glass, BS
- Coordinator of GEAR-UP - Lacey Kilby, MA
- Career Coach - Natalie Tribble, BS
- College Liaison of Wilkes Early College High School (WECHS) - Sammy Styers, MBA
- Career Coach - Teresa Duncan, BA
- Dean of Student Services - Scott Johnson, EdS
- Students Services Technician - Cindy Core, AAS
- Director of Resource Connections and Social Worker - Erin Smith, BSW
- Associate Dean of Admissions and Advising - Elisabeth Blevins, MA
- Health Sciences Admissions Advisor - Andrea Smith, MA
- Academic Advisor/ACA Instructor - Donna Brooks, MA
- Academic Advisor/ACA Instructor - Kim Perkins, MEd
- Academic Advisor/ACA Instructor - Becky Kennedy, MA
- Coordinator of Recruiting - Morgan Staley, BS
- Academic Advisor/ACA Instructor - Mindy Blackburn, MEd
- Academic Advisor/Lead Instructor of ACA - Sheneele Wagoner, EdD
- Assistant Director of Admissions - Wendy Nichols, BS
- Registrar - Michael Ward, MBA
- Assistant Registrar - Cindy Smith, BS
- Registration & Records Specialist - Nina Miller
- Director of Counseling and Career Services - Mike Roope, EdS, LCMHC
- Counselor - Amber Cook, MSW, LCSWA
- Student Activities Coordinator/Admissions Representative - Jackson Brown, BS
- Director of Financial Aid - Roberta Harless, MBA
- Assistant Director of Financial Aid - Amy Killian, BS
- Scholarship Coordinator - Ashley Van Hoy, BA
- Financial Aid Coordinator - Kelly Huffman, BS
- Administrative Assistant of Financial Aid - Lana Younger, AAS
- Assistant Director of Financial Aid - Miranda Roark, MA
- Receptionist/Student Services Technician - Vanessa Simmons, AA
- Dean of Ashe Campus - Caleb Marsh, PhD
- Office Manager - Amber Holliday, MBA
- Custodian Supervisor/Evening Coordinator - Betty Eller, AAS
- Administrative Assistant of the Ashe Campus/Data Management Assistant of WDCE - Harley Nefe, BS
- Custodian - Cody Ashley
- Data Management Assistant for WDCE/Bookstore Clerk of Ashe Campus - Malisha Henson, AAS
- Maintenance Technician/Custodian - Zach Holman, AAS
- Senior Administrative Assistant/Program Specialist - Casey Souther, BS
- Dean of Business & Public Service Technologies - Joe Exposito, MA
- Administrative Assistant - Brittany McNeill, AAS
- Chair of Business and Culinary - Matt Baldwin, MS
- Lead Instructor of Culinary Arts - Celena Nilo, BS
- Lead Instructor of Baking and Pastry Arts - Chuck Wallace, BS
- Lead Instructor of Accounting - Cindy Killian, MS, CPA
- Instructor of Business Administration - Danielle Parlier, MS
- Academic Advisor/BPST Instructor - Elizabeth Simons, MBA
- Lead Instructor of Economics - Kelly Pipes, MPA
- Instructor of Accounting - Martha Combs, MS
- Chair of Technology & Public Service - Melonie Kilby, DBA
- Lead Instructor of Graphic Design - Amber Arnder, BS
- Lead Instructor of Criminal Justice - Amanda Wiles, MS
- Instructor of Graphic Design - Bethany Swaim, BS
- Lead Instructor of Information Technology - Jere Miles, MS
- Lead Instructor of Early Childhood - Melissa Holt, MA
- Instructor of Information Technology - Randall McNeil, BS
- Records Manager of Curriculum - Tracy Lowder, MBA
- Dean of Arts & Sciences - Natasha Harris, PhD
- Administrative Assistant - Kyra Warren, BS
- Chair of Communication, Language, and Transfer Education/Lead Instructor of English - Meret Burke, MA
- Instructor of English - Annie Woodford, MA
- Lead Instructor of Foreign Language - Dayna Brower, MA
- Instructor of English - Emily Roberts, PhD
- Instructor of English - Laura Shumate, MA
- Lead Instructor of Communication - Larry S Taylor, PhD
- Instructor of English - Myfawny Ruiz, MA
- Instructor of English - Patty Chaffin, MA
- Chair of Arts/Music/Humanities and Social Sciences - Tammy Griffin-Garcia, MM
- Lead Instructor of History and Humanities - Cliff Berry, MT
- Instructor of Psychology - Hannah Jackson, MA
- Lead Instructor of Psychology - MaryBeth Knight, MS
- Lead Instructor of Fine Arts/Music/Drama/Instructor of Art - Nick Schneider, MFA
- Chair of Math, Science and Engineering - Neal Triplett, MS
- Instructor of Math - Andrew Nicholson, MS
- Instructor of Biology - Ann Calogero, MS
- Instructor of Math - Chris Cline, MA
- Instructor of Math/Statistics - Darin Bauguess, MA
- Lead Instructor of Math - Joshua Carr, MA
- Instructor of Biology - Jamie Anderson, MS
- Instructor of Math - Megan Miller, MA
- Instructor of Math - Steven Holman, MA
- Lead Instructor of Biology - Summer Jolly, MS
- Instructor of Biology - Tom Ingledue, PhD
- Dean of Applied Career Technologies (ACT) - Ronald Dollyhite, Ed.S
- Administrative Assistant - Kristy Caldwell, BS
- Chair of Transportation Technologies/Lead Instructor of Collision Repair - Jamie Reavis, AAS
- Lead Instructor of Welding - Jayden Gantt, AGE
- to Lead Instructor of Heavy Equipment Operator - Jonah Severt, AAS
- Instructor of Welding - Mark Daye, AGE
- Instructor of Automotive - Mark McNeill, AAS
- Lead Instructor of Automotive Systems Technologies - Matt Ham, MEd
- Instructor of Welding - Nathan Bell, Diploma
- Instructor of Diesel and Heavy Equipment - Preston Smith, AAS
- Lead Instructor of Diesel & Heavy Equipment - Will Johnson, AAS
- Chair of Applied Engineering Technologies - Stacie Taylor, BS
- Instructor of Industrial Engineering - Chris Kearley
- Lead Instructor of Horticulture - Donna Riddle, MS
- Lead Instructor of Architectural - Daniel Triplett, AAS
- Lead Instructor of Animal Science and Agribusiness - Frank Blevins, BS
- Lead Instructor of Building Construction Technologies - Shane Allen, AAS
- Lead Instructor of Industrial Engineering/Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics Technology - Bryan Hartzog, BS
- Lead Instructor of Electronics and Computer Engineering - Joey Phillips, MEd
- Instructor of Building Construction Technologies - Preston Carlton Kelly, AAS
- Instructor of Applied Engineering Technology (AET) - Tate Foster, BS
- Dean of Health Sciences - Tammy Beck, MA, CNMT
- Director of Nursing - Emily Orr, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE
- Instructor of Nursing - Anne Lawson, MSN
- Instructor of Nursing - Stephanie Lunsford, MSN, RN
- Instructor of Nursing - Sonya Jordan, BSN, RN
- Instructor of Nursing - Tammy Carroll, BSN, RN
- Director of Medical Assisting and Human Services Technology - Erica Harper, EdS,CMA(AAMA),LCMHC,LCAS
- Instructor of Medical Assisting - Whitney Golding, BS, CMA (AAMA)
- Administrative Assistant - Haley Hall, AGE
- Lead Instructor of Dental Assisting - Jennifer Hastings, MA,CDA
- Instructor-Dental Assisting Program - Melissa Holloway, BS
- Program Director of Dental Hygiene - Keshia Richardson, BS
- Director of Radiography Programs - Lauren Boyles, MHA, R.T.(R)(ARRT), CIIP
- Clinical Coordinator of Radiography Program - Courtney Lackey, BSRT (R) (M) (VS)
- Program Director of Emergency Medical Science (EMS) - Sarah Triplett, BS Paramedic
- Lead Instructor of Emergency Medical Science (EMS) - Nathan Earp, AAS, Paramedic
- Program Director of the Respiratory Therapy Program - Tori Johnson, MBA, RRT-RCP
- Director of Clinical Education/Instructor of Respiratory Therapy - Sarah Chambers, BSRT, RRT-ACCS, RCP
- Simulation Coordinator/Instructor of Nursing - Valerie Bailey, MSN, RN
- Director of Alleghany Center - Wanda Beck, MBA
- Administrative Assistant of the Alleghany Center/Data Management Assistant of WDCE - Paige Belt, BA
- Coordinator of Student Services/Career and College Promise - Talina Pipes, MS
- Data Analyst - Adam Parsons, BS
- Printing Services Technician - Brenda Howell Severt, AAS
- Web Developer - Cassandra McGuire, MS
- Instructional Technologies Specialist - Caitlin Howell, MS
- IT Support Specialist - Cody Wingler, AAS
- Information Technology Technician - Greg Crews, AAS
- Information Technology Technician - Allen Royal, AAS
- Network and Security Administrator - Joel Hubbard, BS
- Coordinator of Learning Management System and IT Assistant - Lisa Wilmoth, AAS
- Information Technology Technician - Michael Rash, AAS
- Director of ERP - Randy Miller, MS